public premium

Be right more often

Unlock enhanced trading features, white-glove customer service, advanced data and analysis, and portfolio management tools for $8/month.* Free with $20k+ account balance*

Free with $20k+ account balance

Elevate your trading experience

Get fee-free extended-hours trading and recurring investments, plus VIP support.

VIP account management

Our dedicated, Premium support team is standing by to help you handle trades, transfers, and more.

Get advanced data and insights

Access detailed performance metrics, Morningstar research, and Premium-only content.

Have questions? Find answers.

What features are available on Premium?

With Public Premium, you can level up your investing experience. Your Premium membership
unlocks a range of different features including access to unique company performance indicators, guidance from expert analysts & VIP customer support.

To see the full list of features available on Public Premium, see this article here.

How much is Public Premium?

Public Premium costs $10/month and is charged every 30 calendar days starting from the date of sign up. Accounts with a balance of $20,000 market value at the time of sign up unlock complimentary access, subject to terms and conditions.**

Can I trial Premium?

Yes, you can access a free, 7-day Premium trial.

Can I cancel anytime?

Members can cancel their subscription at any time.

Have additional questions about Premium on Public?

Our US-based customer experience team has FINRA-licensed specialists standing by to help.

Level up with Public Premium

Sign up

*$8/month represents annual fee, billed at $96/year. Members also have the choice of a $10 monthly fee.

**Free access to Public Premium is granted when your account balance is at or greater than $20,000. If at any time you withdraw funds from your account that causes your total account value (meaning the cash and current value of your investments) to drop below $15,000 you will cease to receive Premium access for free at the end of the current monthly billing cycle, and you will be charged $10 every thirty (30) days thereafter to continue accessing Premium. You must unsubscribe before your next billing cycle to avoid being charged. If you deposit funds to increase your account value to over $20,000 before the next billing cycle, you will continue receiving free access to Premium subject to the same terms.

Open To The Public Investing, Inc ("OTTP") is regulated in the United States as a FINRA regulated broker-dealer. The Firm may not offer all of its products and services to non-US customers which are currently available to its US-based customers. OTTP may offer its services to non-US customers through subsidiaries which are locally regulated. The appropriate information will shared with customers in its terms and conditions, and disclosures, which will be made available prior to onboarding.