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Posts & Investments - #strawpolls

I promised the #PublicCommunity some data so here you are! πŸ”’ Of roughly 200 voters this is what the community is doing during this down-trending market! 49.5% are buying the dip πŸ’° 27.5% are selecting individual stocks they think will do the best 🀏 18.5% are waiting until we reach a bottom ⏰…See more

#IPO What new or upcoming IPO are you most excited about? And no I'm not putting Rivian ... because then this would be a rhetorical question. These were the 4 in the Robinhood Pre-IPO section. I got 15 shares of $BIRD in Pre-IPO so you know which one I am picking... #StrawPolls #ConsumerSentiment

Allbirds $BIRD44.4%
Nerdwallet $NRDS39.51%
Backblaze $BLZE8.34%
Expensify $EXFY7.75%
1,187 votes β€’ Ended 11/10/21

#PublicSurvey After I complete this rotation on #CryptoLingo ... would you rather I continue with a M-F weekly format like I did with fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and most recently crypto in week(s) long blocks? or would you rather have a mixed bag? Appreciate the input as this helps guide how I format my YouTube channel. #StrawPolls #CryptoLingo #InvestopediaCliffNotes

Topic by day of week29.69%
Topic for whole week26.56%
Mixed / Random Bag32.81%
64 votes β€’ Ended 11/01/21

#AlternateInternet So since I had my fun buying Crypto on Public for the first time, I was curious what other ways people were monetizing Crypto currency for themselves? Thanks to a new friendship w/ @A007Kenny and @BREYZEHN they helped me start a MetaMask, start using Brave as my web browser, and even put me on to Odysee to upload my YouTube channel. I can officially sat that I am finally able to earn monetization over there since only need 500 subscribers! If you want to explore my channel head over to Odysee and look for CTSSHAH. If you have an established YouTube Chanell already it is something to consider. Feel free to join w/ my link$/invite/@CTSSHAH:d #StrawPolls #CryptoHustles

Trading Crypto68.6%
Web Browsing via Brave19.81%
Watching on Odysee4.35%
207 votes β€’ Ended 10/20/21

#Cryptocurrency Popular or unpopular opinion. Cryptocurrency is here to stay and now officially mainstream? P.S.: If anyone wants to build emotional resilience to market corrections quickly ... I highly recommend Crypto investing ... it happens on the regular πŸ˜‚ #StrawPolls #ConsumerSentiment

Here to stay69.43%
Just a Fad7.66%
What is Crypto6.76%
1,109 votes β€’ Ended 10/13/21
#FinancialLiteracyResources So to the people that recently followed me this month, I just wanted to say πŸ‘‹hi and thank you for following along. My mission is simple and it is to build out financial literacy both in the Public app and out of the Public app. I've reached a point with my posting that I plan to now slow down my pace and try to focus on creating the video stuff for my YouTube and then st…See more

#CoffeeWars So if you had $100 to invest in a β˜• company ... which one would it be? Think big pictures from company culture to branding/following and finally to the actual product and innovation. $BROS - Dutch Bros (new kid on the IPO block) $SBUX - Starbucks (dividends) $DNKN - Dunkin Donuts (great coffee from the grocery store) Other - Not publicly traded but wish it was #StrawPolls #ConsumerSentiment

915 votes β€’ Ended 09/25/21

#RealWorldExperience My first YouTube video ever was on why I thought College was a Scam ... and so I wanted to revisit the topic again and get your opinion on the following scenario regarding marketing. With digital media now firmly the new form of adverstisement (print is dead) ... would you rather have a recent college graduate w/ a degree in marketing or a 21 year old that didn't go to college but built a YouTube / Twitter / Instagram / TikTok that is actually earning passive income? So which would you want running your digital marketing campaign? #StrawPolls

College Graduate26.15%
Real World / No College50%
Marketing Firm6.42%
Do it myself17.43%
218 votes β€’ Ended 09/25/21

#GenderRoles Now that I got your attention ... forget the title it was click bait. I am trying to get a better understanding of how the women who are actively investing on here came to Public or investing as a whole. I'm trying to convince my little sister to pick up investing ... and well lets just say I have more fun at the dentist. I need a game plan ... she is moving to NC to join the family in 2 weeks and I want to get her excited about investing ... instead of politely smiling and nodding at me. What caused the spark or interest? #StrawPolls #WomenWhoInvest

Family or Friend28.48%
YouTube or TikTok28.48%
Instagram or Twitter6.95%
302 votes β€’ Ended 09/22/21

#GraphicDesign So I used to do graphic design for my church's publications team way, way back in college. $ADBE Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop were my jam ... but boy was it time consuming and not user friendly for someone new to it. I want to give a big thank you to @nvknows for showing me this wonderful tool called Canva that is legitimately about to save me a lot of time and anguish. I had tweeted out asking for feedback on my $FB page and ... oh man did she deliver with this πŸ’Ž! Don't forget to follow her on $TWTR ... in a series of tweets she managed to change my social media game forever. P.S.: Thank you @arbitrage for also giving me that extra push to try Canva! Crazy how much you can learn from asking questions and following people on Twitter ... like one big, beautiful idea board. #StrawPolls #SideHustles #LittleFishInBigSocialMediaPond #BuildCommunity

Adobe Products39.47%
Contract Graphic Designer5.26%
38 votes β€’ Ended 09/15/21

#EngagingWithOthers So the lot of us are a mixed bag here on Public. Some of us ended up joining due to a YouTube or TikTok video and others came by word of mouth referrals ... a select few were recruited by Public. With that said, how have y'all managed to convince people in your circle of influence to consider investing in the stock market? Talking about personal finances used to be taboo but thankfully times are a chaning. #StrawPolls #SharingIsCaring #BuildCommunity

Showing Your Portfolio56.8%
Sharing TikTok or YouTube15.98%
Gifting a Book6.51%
Keeping it a secret20.71%
169 votes β€’ Ended 09/13/21

#NewFeatures What new feature would you like to see added to Public to help you organize, invest, or do better due dilligence on Public? Just don't forget that Public is a new business since 2019 and already has created this wonderful environment that we all love. #StrawPolls

Organize - Tabs / Colors24.48%
Compare 4 Stocks36.26%
Recurring Investments24.02%
433 votes β€’ Ended 09/11/21

#BusinessPlan To all the my #SideHustle friends - how did you learn to put together a business plan when you started your own business? So I am embarassed to admit it that I was to lazy to put one to paper and hope to rectify that this long weekend. Maybe I'll post it here at some point. But on to the question - how did you figure out how to draft your own business plan? I haven't done any of these but found them on Couresera ($COUR) #StrawPolls #SideHustleLife #InvestInYourself

Online Courses29.63%
College / Grad School16.3%
Phone a Friend7.41%
Probably Should Do One46.67%
135 votes β€’ Ended 09/11/21

#ChristmasInSeptember So I don't have kids ... but apparently my Team Lead spreads out her Christmas shopping throughout the year and just slowly builds it up. When I sat down to think about it ... it is probably genius so that she doesn't have to spend a large, lump sum all in a short period of time. I know Public doesn't do custodial accounts but what are y'all getting your loved ones for Christmas? Maybe start a custodial account for your kids and get them $10 slice of $AMZN, $SBUX, $NKE instead of that gift card? P.S.: This wonderful idea is in part due to a post I stumbled upon by @redbunwinsatgmail! So many gift cards go unused and money wasted ... this would grow and compound over time! And here is a link to Fidelity ... only until Public ups their custodial account game - #StrawPolls #FinancialLiteracy #BudgetingHack #StartEmYoung

Custodial Account41.61%
Other 8.72%
149 votes β€’ Ended 09/10/21

#Accountability So personal finances and investing in the stock market requires keeping yourself accountable ... and yes this applies to other areas in life as well. I've made my fair share of mistakes where I started getting quick gains and got greedy ... only to overconcentrate myself and get burned when the rug gets pulled out from underneath ($PBW end of 2020 to early 2021 πŸ‘€) . Aside from yourself, who do you look to in order to keep you grounded? Feel free to give them a shout out in the comments below πŸ‘‡ P.S.: Also looking to the community to call me out when I make mistakes and help add value to my posts by sharing you perspective and helpful resources. Remember, I am an amateur investor like the rest of y'all simply trying to find my path to financial independence and freedom. These days I have been trying to learn more about technical stuff that I never had the time to drill down on ... as I finally have some bandwidth in my life! #StrawPolls #SelfReflection #SameTEAM #TakesAVillage #HealthyHabits

Spouse/ Significant Other45.31%
Family 28.91%
CFP or Other9.38%
128 votes β€’ Ended 09/09/21

#CreepyDMs To the women out there that have to endure creepy DMs on the regular ... I am so sorry! While I love the new features to add pictures and videos ... I can only imagine things are going to get weird in a hurry. I want to get an idea of how bad it is out there for everyone. What kind of weird DMs do you get? #StrawPolls #JustDont

Crypto Solicitations39.58%
Unwanted Advances29.17%
Asking for Help10.42%
Making New Friends20.83%
48 votes β€’ Ended 09/08/21

#TaxRefund So on my YouTube channel I have a section titled _______ is a SCAM?! ... where I attempt to have a thought exercise on a specific topic. My first two were on College and 15 YR Mortgage. I'm planning to do one for September on why the Tax Refund is a scam. I'm well aware that there are a number of people that depend on this extra money around Tax Day and even more disturbed by the number of sales/promotions and cash advance loans that are aimed at trying to get you to spend that money before you even get it! With that said, what does Tax Day look like for you? P.S.: My thoughts on a tax refund is that is essentially you giving Uncle Sam an interest free loan on money that you had already earned during the previous year. That money could have been hard at work for you in the stock market the previous year ... earning dividends or gains. #StrawPolls #HealthyHabits #BringPatriotActBack

Tax Bomb - Owing Lots18.68%
Owe Just A Little16.38%
Small Tax Refund39.66%
Big Ole Pay Day25.29%
348 votes β€’ Ended 09/08/21

#VideoConference As an eye doctor, I can't realistically work from home other than to tell you that you might have dry eyes and to use artificial tears. With that said, I am still curious what everyone elses personal experience has been with working from home! What services have you used and found to be the best? Is it Microsoft Teams or Zoom ... I think Skype has been left for dead (spoiler they are owned by $MSFT). If you were investing in the videoconference space in anticipation for heavy use this Fall/Winter and some form of hybrid work going forward ... which one would you invest in? P.S.: "Skype was acquired by Microsoft in May 2011 for $8.5 billion." and thanks for the idea @BonesSkully #WorkFromHome #RemoteLife #StrawPolls #ConsumerSentiment

Microsoft Teams40.08%
Zoom Meetings39.69%
Google Meet13.62%
257 votes β€’ Ended 09/07/21

#LifeStages "It requires a great deal of boldness and a great deal of caution to make a great fortune; and when you have got it, it requires ten times as much wit to keep it." - Nathan Mayer Rothschild Remember when investing that there are different strategies for investing depending on what stage of life you are in. It is important to not play the compare game as everyone has different risk tolerance, investing timelines, and ideas of what wealth or financial freedom looks like. So what stage of investing are you in? Is it wealth creation, wealth preservation, or legacy impact? P.S.: What are your goals for 1 year and 5 years when it comes to investing? Please leave a comment w/ your answer to this one πŸ™ #StrawPolls #SelfReflection #GoalSetting

Wealth Creation58.18%
Wealth Preservation6.97%
Legacy Impact3.64%
Still Figuring It Out31.21%
330 votes β€’ Ended 09/06/21
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Self-directed brokerage accounts and brokerage services for US-listed, registered securities, options, and Bonds, except for treasury securities offered through Jiko Securities, Inc., are offered to self-directed customers by Open to the Public Investing, Inc. (β€œPublic Investing”), a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA & SIPC. Additional information about your broker can be found by clicking here. Public Investing is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Holdings, Inc. (β€œPublic Holdings”). This is not an offer, solicitation of an offer, or advice to buy or sell securities or open a brokerage account in any jurisdiction where Public Investing is not registered. Securities products offered by Public Investing are not FDIC insured. Apex Clearing Corporation, our clearing firm, has additional insurance coverage in excess of the regular SIPC limits. Additional information can be found here.

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β€œBonds” shall refer to corporate debt securities and U.S. government securities offered on the Public platform through a self-directed brokerage account held at Public Investing and custodied at Apex Clearing. For purposes of this section, Bonds exclude treasury securities held in treasury accounts with Jiko Securities, Inc. as explained under the β€œ Treasury Accounts” section.

Investments in Bonds are subject to various risks including risks related to interest rates, credit quality, market valuations, liquidity, prepayments, early redemption, corporate events, tax ramifications and other factors. The value of Bonds fluctuate and any investments sold prior to maturity may result in gain or loss of principal. In general, when interest rates go up, Bond prices typically drop, and vice versa. Bonds with higher yields or offered by issuers with lower credit ratings generally carry a higher degree of risk. All fixed income securities are subject to price change and availability, and yield is subject to change. Bond ratings, if provided, are third party opinions on the overall bond's credit worthiness at the time the rating is assigned. Ratings are not recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell securities, and they do not address the market value of securities or their suitability for investment purposes.

A Bond Account is a self-directed brokerage account with Public Investing. Deposits into this account are used to purchase 10 investment-grade and high-yield bonds. The Bond Account’s yield is the average, annualized yield to worst (YTW) across all ten bonds in the Bond Account, before fees. A bond’s yield is a function of its market price, which can fluctuate; therefore a bond’s YTW is not β€œlocked in” until the bond is purchased, and your yield at time of purchase may be different from the yield shown here. The β€œlocked in” YTW is not guaranteed; you may receive less than the YTW of the bonds in the Bond Account if you sell any of the bonds before maturity or if the issuer defaults on the bond. Public Investing charges a markup on each bond trade. See our Fee Schedule.

Bond Accounts are not recommendations of individual bonds or default allocations. The bonds in the Bond Account have not been selected based on your needs or risk profile. You should evaluate each bond before investing in a Bond Account. The bonds in your Bond Account will not be rebalanced and allocations will not be updated, except for Corporate Actions.

Fractional Bonds also carry additional risks including that they are only available on Public and cannot be transferred to other brokerages. Read more about the risks associated with fixed income and fractional bonds. See Bond Account Disclosures to learn more.

High-Yield Cash Account.
A High-Yield Cash Account is a secondary brokerage account with Public Investing. Funds in your High-Yield Cash Account are automatically deposited into partner banks (β€œPartner Banks”), where that cash earns interest and is eligible for FDIC insurance. See here for a list of current Partner Banks. Your Annual Percentage Yield is variable and may change at the discretion of the Partner Banks or Public Investing. Apex Clearing and Public Investing receive administrative fees for operating this program, which reduce the amount of interest paid on swept cash. Neither Public Investing nor any of its affiliates is a bank. Learn more.

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Treasury Accounts.
Investing services in treasury accounts offering 6 month US Treasury Bills on the Public platform are through Jiko Securities, Inc. (β€œJSI”), a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA & SIPC. See JSI’s FINRA BrokerCheck and Form CRS for further information. JSI uses funds from your Treasury Account to purchase T-bills in increments of $100 β€œpar value” (the T-bill’s value at maturity). T-bills are purchased at a discount to the par value and the T-bill’s yield represents the difference in price between the β€œpar value” and the β€œdiscount price.” Aggregate funds in your Treasury Account in excess of the T-bill purchases will remain in your Treasury Account as cash. The value of T-bills fluctuate and investors may receive more or less than their original investments if sold prior to maturity. T-bills are subject to price change and availability - yield is subject to change. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investments in T-bills involve a variety of risks, including credit risk, interest rate risk, and liquidity risk. As a general rule, the price of a T-bills moves inversely to changes in interest rates. Although T-bills are considered safer than many other financial instruments, you could lose all or a part of your investment. See Jiko U.S. Treasuries Risk Disclosures for further details.

Investments in T-bills: Not FDIC Insured; No Bank Guarantee; May Lose Value.

Banking services and bank accounts are offered by Jiko Bank, a division of Mid-Central National Bank. JSI and Jiko Bank are not affiliated with Public Holdings, Inc. (β€œPublic”) or any of its subsidiaries. None of these entities provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. You should consult your legal, tax, or financial advisors before making any financial decisions. This material is not intended as a recommendation, offer, or solicitation to purchase or sell securities, open a brokerage account, or engage in any investment strategy.

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Quotes and other market data for Public’s product offerings are obtained from third party sources believed to be reliable, but Public makes no representation or warranty regarding the quality, accuracy, timeliness, and/or completeness of this information. Such information is time sensitive and subject to change based on market conditions and other factors. You assume full responsibility for any trading decisions you make based upon the market data provided, and Public is not liable for any loss caused directly or indirectly by your use of such information. Market data is provided solely for informational and/or educational purposes only. It is not intended as a recommendation and does not represent a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any particular security.