VEON's subsidiaries in Ukraine and Kazakhstan sign bilateral long-term loan agreements in local currencies for around USD 170 millionPRNewsWire • 12/24/20
VEON announces launch of a USD drawdown under GMTN programme and publishes third base offering memorandum supplementPRNewsWire • 11/16/20
VEON acquires strategic stake in Bangladesh's leading full-stack B2B commerce platform, ShopUpPRNewsWire • 10/20/20
Mobilink Microfinance Bank Wins Best MicroFinance Bank of the Year at CFA Society PakistanPRNewsWire • 10/09/20
VEON announces the exercise of the Dhabi Group's put option for its 15 per cent of Pakistan Mobile Communications Limited (PMCL)PRNewsWire • 09/28/20
VEON Announces the Pricing of Its RUB 10 Billion 6.50% Notes Issued Under Its GMTN ProgrammePRNewsWire • 09/03/20
VEON announces launch of a second RUB drawdown under GMTN programme and publishes a second base offering memorandum supplementPRNewsWire • 09/01/20
VEON Ltd (VEON) CEO Kaan Terzioglu on Q2 2020 Results - Earnings Call TranscriptSeeking Alpha • 08/09/20
VEON Announces the Pricing of Its RUB 20 Billion 6.30 % Notes Issued Under Its GMTN ProgrammePRNewsWire • 06/11/20