Limited time offer

Transfer your portfolio.
Earn up to $2,750

For a limited time, you can get up to $10,000 when you transfer your investment portfolio to Public. Plus, we’ll cover any fees along the way.
Claim your offer

Get rewarded in 3 simple steps


Create your Public account

It only takes a few minutes to join Public. You can transfer from Robinhood, M1 Finance, WeBull, Charles Schwab, or almost any other US-based broker.
Sign Up

Initiate your account transfer

There's no need to sell your eligible whole share stock positions, and our customer support team can walk you through the process if you need help.

Let us take care of the fees

We don’t charge fees for incoming transfers. If your current brokerage charges you on the way out, we’ll cover up to $100 in transfer fees, provided your account value exceeds $5,000.
Claim your offer

Transfer to Public and get paid

Transfer Amount Bonus
$5,000 – $24,999 $150
$25,000 – $99,999 $250
$100,000 – $249,999 $600
$250,000 – $499,999 $1,000
$500,000 – $999,999 $2,000
$1,000,000 – $4,999,999 $4,000
$5,000,000+ $10,000

Why transfer to Public?

Invest in stocks, options, bonds, crypto, ETFs, and more with AI-powered fundamental data and custom analysis. Plus, earn 4.1% APY* with a high-yield cash account.

Multi-asset investing

Fundamental data

Custom analysis

Member of FINRA

Financial-grade security

Automatic SIPC insurance

Headquartered in New York

Millions of investors

US-based support

High-yield cash account

Get 4.1% APY on your cash

  • No fees.
  • No subscription.
  • No maximums.
Hero Home Hyca 2x

Find, evaluate, and buy bonds

  • Explore bonds with our advanced screener tool.
  • Access detailed financial data for thousands of bonds.
  • Diversify your portfolio with fixed income.
Screen Bonds

Trade Options. Earn Rebates.

  • Earn rebates up to $0.06 – $0.18 on Stock & ETF contracts.
  • Stock & ETF trades have no commissions or per-contract fees.
  • Plan, edit, and execute multiple trades at the same time.

Have questions? Find answers.

Why do companies issue corporate bonds?

No, a US bank account is not required to invest with Public. However, a valid funding source from a financial institution is required to transfer funds and invest through Open to the Public Investing (“OTTP” or “Public”).

How often do companies issue new corporate bonds?
What is the difference between buying a corporate bond vs. buying stock in the same company?
Why do some investors use bonds within their portfolio strategies?

Have additional questions about Stocks on Public?

Our US-based customer experience team has FINRA-licensed specialists standing by to help.

Important information

Before requesting the transfer, you should review and consider all fees charged by the delivering brokerage firm and tax consequences that may result from potential liquidations required before the delivering firm completes the transfer.

ACAT transfers made by new and existing members are eligible for this promotion. Cash and securities received via ACAT are eligible for this promotion. Public supports US equities (stocks and ETFS). Any other assets transferred will count towards the bonus amount but will be liquidated for cash. Assets that cannot be transferred via ACAT to Public include: fractional shares, crypto assets, alternative investments, options, OTC-traded securities, mutual funds, and bonds.

All eligible ACATS received by Public during the promotion period will be aggregated for purposes of determining bonus entitlement. Cash bonus will be applied to qualifying accounts no later than one (1) month after the transfer initiation date. Transferred funds, and associated bonus, must stay in your Public account for at least 12 months or the bonus will be revoked.

Public reserves the right to terminate or modify this offer at any time. For complete terms and conditions, visit our FAQ page here.

Build your portfolio with Public

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Cta Mockup 2025